Hi I'm ok I actually don't have a blog- i fulfill my passion by commenting on everyone else's blog. :) I'm a blog moocher.
That's great that your husband goes by what most comforting for him. The granparent names are like that for us: My husband's parents go by Zaydi and Savta and my parents are Bubby and Granpa. We've got all bases covered. :)
Are you working from home? How is that going with a small baby?
She's got the cutest exoression! What a sweetie!
Very cute but how did you get to using "Tatty"?
Yaakov grew up in the Yeshiva world and Tatty always sounded loving and caring to him.
BTW Abbi, who are you? Your profile doesn't show up, so I can't see your blog.
Hi I'm ok
I actually don't have a blog- i fulfill my passion by commenting on everyone else's blog. :) I'm a blog moocher.
That's great that your husband goes by what most comforting for him. The granparent names are like that for us: My husband's parents go by Zaydi and Savta and my parents are Bubby and Granpa. We've got all bases covered. :)
Are you working from home? How is that going with a small baby?
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