1. Ephraim. Since he is really a full-time job, his needs sometimes make it impossible to work. Today, for example, he wanted to eat the entire morning. While I like to accommodate his desires, I only have three breasts (oops. um, one of those looks suspiciously like a bottle with formula.) Moreover, he seems never to get full.
2. The topics. I love my employer. Really, she's endlessly patient with me, always has work for me, and allows me to make money while I'm home with Ephraim. I really don't like writing about gambling. I'd love to write about skydiving, base jumping, nutrition, medicine, dentistry, the mating habits of the fruit fly that carries tomato yellow leaf curl virus*, anything except gambling. Well, okay, maybe not anything, but almost anything.
3. Working in a restaurant causes a number of interesting distractions, like the guy behind me who was explaining to a potential client about the history of the Indian Jews known as Bnei Yisrael. Which of course got me thinking about Dropped from Heaven: Stories
* If you google my maiden name and the term "tomato yellow leaf curl virus," well, it's not me... but I did spend a day or two in the lab watching the research be done.
The moral of this post - If you have work for me that isn't gambling related, I can give receipts in Israel, so please contact me.
Glad to see you blogging again. Did you know that "back in the saddle" can be interpreted as trying to get more babies. Wish I had work for you love.
Cdn Dad
um... thanks. we have enough babies right now...
I was more referring to being back to work post maternity leave.
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